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20 years of experience
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A few words about us

The company was founded in 2011, Singapore, as an entity to carry out the projects of inspection and integrity assessment based on Magnetic Tomography Method (MTM) of non-piggable and difficult to inspect (DTI) pipelines both onshore and offshore. The technology objectives are to help pipeline operators:

- To improve the technical integrity of their facilities;
- To keep saving production and avoid any failure on piping systems;
- To keep safe the ecology and nature resources.

Symbolizes the professionalism in advanced services standards of the company. The experience and reputation of our services is our top priority.

The key businesses are:

- Research and development technologies for pipeline integrity;
- Industrial application of developed technologies;
- Evaluation the quality of technologies in the industry;
- Pipeline integrity services inclusive of engineering, design, consultancy, R&D, inspection and monitoring, pipeline integrity and fitness for service assessment, risk based inspection, failure analysis, stress analysis, stress engineering, testing and technical training.

Meeting global society demands

We see the great potential in effective application of our own invention - GLOBAL MAGNETIC TOMOGRAPHY METHOD (GLOBAL MTM). We will further develop business in areas where Transkor is the market leader, but we'll also try to actualize full potential of our cutting-edge technology in other perspective fields.

Preservation of the environment

One of our main goals is preservation of the environment by preventing ecological catastrophes via diagnostics of condition of global pipeline transportation hardware. We will give it our best efforts to build Transkor as powerful global corporation protecting our living environment.

Cutting edge Technology

This unique method of pipeline inspection makes use of “natural” magnetization of the ferrous pipes.

Awards and Accolades

GLOBAL MTM was exhibited along with the set of devices at multiple conferences and exhibitions worldwide.

Our history

National expansion and promotion of the GLOBAL MTM services

The Company was founded in 2001 by a group of specialists with a long-term experience in the field of pipeline transportation. Launched commercially in 2002 the technology enjoyed success in the area of pipeline systems non-destructive testing nationwide.

Milestone anniversary

Starting from 2005 the Company began sourcing projects in other countries. In 2011 the Company celebrated the milestone anniversary - 10 years since its foundation, entering the next decade of activities to strengthen the Company positions in the World market.

Worldwide expansion

Over 12,500 miles of buried and submerged service pipelines have been inspected in Great Britain, the USA, Argentina, Mexico, Bolivia, Venezuela, Columbia, Saudi Arabia, Malaysia, China, Australia, Uzbekistan, Belorussia, Syria, Croatia and other countries.

International recognition

GLOBAL MAGNETIC TOMOGRAPHY METHOD is one of the methods leading in effectiveness and used around the world. Registration of values of mechanical stresses in real operation conditions allows to apply internationally accepted assessment criteria for pipelines defects' risk factor which can't be monitored with inline inspection.